» If you’re the creative type that wants to go totally free-style with your custom home floor plans and you don’t want to “follow-the-leader” with other plans…
» If you’re having trouble finding a pre-drawn plan that you’re both happy with and fits your needs…
» Or if you have one in mind that will need a lot of changes…
If that’s you, then the full dream-home design solution you’re looking for just might be right here.
What can you really expect to get from a complete custom home floor plans service?
While I’m not sure what you expect, I can definitely tell you what Larry’s Home Designs will give you.
In a nutshell – everything the construction contractor of your choice needs to know in order to build your home! (Sorry, we can’t actually cut or nail the lumber for him. He has to earn his pay somehow!)
You receive the full benefit of having an in-house designer discuss in great detail not only what you want and need, but how to most effectively bring it all together for your custom home floor plans results. This includes, but is far from limited to:
This consultation service is not just “once-and-done” at the beginning, but is fully extended to you throughout your entire designing project. All with a friendly, customer-oriented style that will put you at ease and boost your confidence in fulfilling your dreams!
Special Note: Don’t worry if you’re not within a feasible driving distance of our office. With more than a decade’s worth of custom home floor plans experience as quality preparation, we have for well over 8 years been accepting and successfully working with out-of-state clients by phone, fax and email.
Giving them the same quality home design experience as everyone else – all without ever needing to set a foot inside our office.
Your approved ideas are taken and turned into a complete set of construction-ready drawings. This includes detail conscious:
When finished, each set of custom home floor plans is then ready to be used for three vital purposes:
Throughout most areas of the United States and modern world your custom home floor plans will need to be approved by the local government where you intend to build, no matter who draws them. To get approval, specifications need to be included so the building committee knows the technical details of how your home will comply with safety laws. Submission for approval almost always means paying a fee.
Time is of the essence. Resubmitting for approval, if you get denied the first time around, means extra time and money being spent that you’d rather keep to decorate your home when you finally move in.
Time – for the purpose of needing the changes made on your plans.
Money – since most local governments charge for every project approval meeting scheduled.
Keep that extra time and money where you can use it best – in your hands!
Greatly improving your chances of success to gain approval the very first time every set of custom home floor plans from Larry’s Home Designs includes the following (international) IRC and IBC Codes:
We are humbled – and feel extremely blessed – to be able to share with you the fact that so far our custom home floor plans have a near 100% first-time approval rate!
Enhancing the quality of service you receive from us, plus improving the overall home-building experience for both you and your contractor, each set of custom home floor plans includes comprehensive (but easy-to-use) lists of building materials you need.
Introducing a Larry’s Home Designs Exclusive!
Not one, but three distinctly different lists that serve separate functions:
Years of helping people achieve their dreams of building their own home, just like you desire, has taught us a number of things. Among them, just to name a few:
Introducing Another Larry’s Home Design Exclusive!
» 7 copies of the final set of drawings:
1 – Spare copy (They have a way of getting used)
7 Total Copies
» 3 copies each of the construction materials lists (if requested)
1 – For your construction contractor
3 Total Copies
We understand that every homeowner has their individual project needs. So while the above numbers have consistently proven themselves over the years, if you happen to need more you’re covered. Extra copies are available (even later) for an additional, reasonable flat-rate charge.
You’ve heard the phrase “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” We didn’t coin it, but it’s a solid part of our custom home floor plans business practice!
Until the total wrap-up when the last contractor leaves the job site and you are ready to move into your personal dream home – we are just a phone call away to answer questions. Or provide advice and support over the phone for last-minute design changes that are not major. (Major changes will understandably require redrawing and need to be billed accordingly.)
So why do we really include this valuable service, anyway? Through years of working directly with home owners as well as contractors we know firsthand how alive Murphy’s Law is. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing, but it’s definitely not uncommon for situations to occur that deviate from the original custom home floor plans.
For example: You might think of a change, or really neat idea, halfway through construction and need confirmation on integrating it into your design appropriately. Or, since most contractors have their own unique way of doing things they may want to verify the intent of a design feature to see if it’s practical in saving time or money (or just because they like it better) doing it their way.
No matter what the situation may be, if it’s a design-related question and you got your dream custom home floor plans designed by Larry’s Home Designs you get our fully-committed-to-you phone support service until construction is complete! If the matter is not pressing and you prefer email that’s perfectly fine as well.
As a highly-valued client of ours – for a simple, one time fee of $150 – we believe you should receive the courtesy and privilege you deserve to have direct personal access to us for as long as it takes until your home is built. Period.
I can hear you asking, “How do I take advantage of these exclusive, experience-enhancing benefits and get them working hard to turn my dream custom home floor plans into a life-sized reality?”
We’ve made it as simple and fast as we knew how to make it to get you started today.
Let’s break it down into simple, easy-to-understand details so you’ll clearly know what’s going on right upfront without anything popping up later. This enables us to serve you better and everyone agreeably knows what’s expected. Sound fair?
Getting your dreams out of your head and into construction-ready plans is as easy to begin as 1, 2, 3. (In no way am I implying your custom home floor plans will be ready in a heartbeat. Good things take time to properly finish. Your home is no exception.)
It’s critically important that you lay the foundational concepts of your home properly by letting us know exactly what you want and need.
That’s precisely what these 3 steps accomplish:
1. Lock in your position
2. Fill out your “Dreams-To-Reality Fast Start Kit”
3. Send your completed Fast Start Kit Forms to us…
And your dream is on its way! Here is what each of those steps includes:
STEP 1 – Lock in your position
This means getting your name on our project list which is compiled on a first-come first-served basis. As soon as you send us the nominal deposit of $500 you’ll be locked in! The deposit will be deducted from your invoice total.
The deposit is just to sort out those who are serious about their dreams and ready to take action, from those who aren’t. We do understand that situations change. If you can’t follow through after making a deposit, it will be refunded minus any hours we’ve already put into the job. Or you will be billed accordingly if the hours are past your deposit. We trust this is fair for everybody.
Simply sign the “Custom Design Agreement” at the end of this book and send it to us at with your deposit in one of the following ways:
STEP 2 – Get your free “Dreams-To-Reality Fast Start Kit”
After locking in your position you will receive your FREE “Dreams-To-Reality Fast Start Kit.”
Just let us know how you prefer to receive it!
Created specifically to help you get off to a solid, fast start just fill in the blanks, answer the questions and collect the recommended information. Save yourself an incredible amount of time, money and frustrations by fully making use of this kit. It is designed to help you understand and solidify your own custom home floor plans needs and desires by systematically documenting them.
This kit will easily guide you in preparing your ideas to share them clearly with us so we both know what you want.
STEP 3 – Send your completed Fast Start Kit Forms to us
After you’ve completed the forms simply send them to us. Fax, regular mail, or email if you have scanning capabilities. Or drop them off in person if you’re close by. And of course you’ll want to keep a copy for your own records as well.
You’ll get confirmation when we’ve received them. When your custom home floor plans are ready to be worked on in our order lineup, they’ll be thoroughly reviewed. And then – the moment you’ve been waiting for (I’ve always wanted to say that!) – you will be contacted to arrange our first consultation to discuss your design.
1. 2. and 3… Your dreams are in motion!